
Chris Narozny
Author website
Made with Django, adds subscibers to client MailChimp account. Custom css, contacts through Django send_mail. Updated from a sqlite3 database.
Site chrisnarozny.com
Github Repository chrisnarozny

Gypsy Swing Revue
Band website
Made with PHP and Foundation, sales through PayPal. PHPList for email marketing. Updated from a MySQL database.
Site gypsyswingrevue.com
Github Repository gypsyswingrevue

Gig Manager
MS Access
A custom built access application. Used for tracking events, booking status and sending email.

A React metronome
A metronome that allows custom time signatures. Accents, rests and beat animation. You can also set tempo by tapping
Github Repository metronome

A tool for project tasks
A tool for managing project development tasks. Built with React and Sass, a node backend and my own jwt authentication code.
Personal app, not production ready
Site developmanager.elliotreed.net
Github Repository developmanager_client developmanager_server

The Crystal Collector
A math, memory game
Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This game features random win/loss messages with emojis. Click sound performed by yours truly.
Site elliotreed.github.io/CrystalCollector
Github Repository crystalcollector

An app to help manage your life
React and Sass. Features custom inputs and my own jwt authentication
Personal app, not production ready
Site lifemanager.elliotreed.net
Github Repository lifeManger_client lifeManger_server

A weather app
Made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Data retrieved from the OpenWeather API. Uses canvas elements for barometer and wind. Dark theme after sunset
Site elliotreed.github.io/weatherton
Github Repository weatherton

Totally Trivial Trivia
An 80's themed trivia game
Made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Designed to look like an 80's console game. Questions are generated from an open API.
Site elliotreed.github.io/TriviaGame
Github Repository triviagame

Pet Me!
A petting game
JavaScript and CSS, using Howler.js. This game will purr if you pet it correctly, but if you stop it will cry. A visualizer reacts to the playing sound.
Site elliotreed.github.io/petme
Github Repository petme